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District Home Link - Mobile

Students, staff, and, families were pleasantly surprised when they returned from spring break in March to find a new easier to navigate website with engaging videos, more pictures than ever before, and even a quiz to help guide a student's education journey.
The new district and school websites feature a custom design created in coordination with the Finalsite content management system, trusted by hundreds of school districts nationwide.
Most notably, every school website features a “hero video” that visitors see as soon as they open the page. The short videos highlight some of the people and programs that make each school unique.
“The inclusion of more videos and pictures helps to capture the spirit and energy of what goes on inside a school,” said Superintendent Pam Swanson. “Our schools are made up of fun, creative teachers and students and now our web sites better reflect that.”
Another important addition is a stronger focus on the district’s unique Competency Based System (CBS). Westminster Public Schools is recognized as a leader in this area, but people outside of our district often need a simple introduction to the concept. Included on every home page is a simple animation explaining how CBS works, followed by a short quiz for parents and guardians to see if competency-based learning is the right fit for their child.
With over 10,000 pages to convert to the new website, there may be occasional glitches and broken links. WPS is working every day to address any issues, but anyone who finds a problem is encouraged to send a note to or fill out our Website Issue form.