Student Demographics
About Sunset Ridge
Sunset Ridge is located in Westminster Public Schools, a district with approximately 9,500 students. Sunset has a population of 349 students in grades PK-7. Sunset students come from families that are significantly impacted by financial concerns. Approximately 92% of Sunset families are considered at the poverty level and receive free or reduced lunch and breakfast. The student ethnic composition is 0% Native American, 0% Black, 12% White, 83% Hispanic, and 1% Asian. 47% of the students are children that are English Language Learners. Sunset Ridge averages a 95% daily attendance rate.
Student Demographics
2023-Current |
Percent |
Number |
General Population (Total Number) |
100% |
349 |
Female |
49% |
172 |
Male |
51% |
177 |
Ethnicity |
Other ethnicities |
89% |
309 |
White |
11% |
40 |
Programs |
Multilingual Learners |
47% |
309 |
ELL NEP (non-English proficient) |
22% |
76 |
ELL LEP (limited English proficient) |
15% |
51 |
ELL FEP (fluent English proficient) |
11% |
37 |
11% |
37 |
Gifted and Talented (GT/PEDAL) |
3% |
9 |
Free and Reduced Lunch Participation |
92% |
322 |
Free |
84% |
293 |
Reduced |
8% |
29 |